DOMEX – Parasite Treatment

PACKAGING: 20 ml, 100 ml

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Ingredient: Doramectin: 10mg/ml

Uses: Treat internal and external parasites


DOMEX is a long-acting, injectable, broad-spectrum parasiticide for cattle, sheep, goats and swine. One low-volume injection effectively controls a wide range of roundworm of cattle, sheep, goats and pigs as well as arthropod parasites of cattle, sheep, and pigs, which impair their health and productivity. DOMEX injectable solution is well-tolerated, has excellent syringeability and has a long action, making it particularly suitable for controlling parasites in cattle, sheep, goats and swine.


DOMEX injectable solution contains doramectin. Doramectin is a novel, fermentation-derived product of avermectin class of highly active, broad-spectrum antiparasitic agents. Doramectin is isolated from fermentations of a genetically altered strain of Streptomyces avermitilis .

DOMEX is a ready-to-use, sterile solution containing 1 % (10 mg/ml) doramectin. It is formulated to deliver the recommended dosage for cattle, sheep and goats (200 µg/ kg body mass) when given by either intramuscular or subcutaneous injection at the rate of 1 ml/ 50 kg body mass and for swine (300 µg/kg body mass) when given by intramuscular injection at the rate of 1 ml/ 33 kg body mass.


DOMEX  is a long-acting injectable solution indicated for the treatment and control of the following: gastro intestinal roundworms, parafilaria, screwworms, sucking lice, mange mites and single host ticks in cattle. Controls roundworms ( Ascaris suum, Oesophagostomum dentatum, Oesophagostomum quadrispinulatum and Trichuris suis) and lung worms ( Metastrongylus spp ). It also kills sarcoptic mange mites and lice on pigs.

PACKAGING: 20 ml, 100 ml


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